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Day by Day - 2 Samuel
Ties That Bind
Clif Johnson
Aired on Sep 10, 2024
Show Day by Day
Sep 05, 2024
00:02:11 Minutes

Our bonds to the people in our lives and the covenants we have made should be unbreakable.   #daybydaylw   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   In Greek mythology, there is what is known as the Sirens’ songs, creatures who roamed on the coastlands, singing out their enchanting songs, and hypnotizing sailors and causing them to shipwreck on their lands. In the story of The Odyssey, Odysseus is sailing passed where he knew some Sirens would be. Desperately wanting to enjoy the beauty of their voices, but not wanting to be lured away by them, Odysseus commands his men to stuff their own ears with wax, and to bind him with rope to the mast of the ship, and under no circumstance, upon threat of life or death, no matter how Odysseus might beg or plead or threaten, were they to untie Odysseus from the mast, lest he jump out of the ship and die. In fact, the crew were to keep their swords out and pointed at Odysseus to keep him from jumping into the sea should he break loose. Once the song of the Sirens floated through the air into Odysseus’ ears, he went temporarily insane, striving with all his strength to unbind himself and plunge into the ocean so that he might join the Sirens. However, the men kept their promise, and refused to let him go. Soon, the song of the Sirens faded into silence, and the men removed the wax from their ears. How strong are the ties bind you to the important people of your life? The covenants you have made? Tie yourself to the mast and order guards to point swords at you so that you will not jump in and chase the Sirens.

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