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Day by Day - 1 Samuel
The Silver Lining In Tough Situations
Clif Johnson
Aired on May 02, 2024
Show Day by Day
Apr 29, 2024
00:01:45 Minutes

Good can come of bad situations if they bring us back to the Lord.   #daybyday   Interested in learning more about becoming a devoted follower of Christ? Go to!   ~~~   What we see next as David gains strength from Yahweh, is that David runs into His presence for help. David takes advantage of the access that is available to God’s people. He calls for the priest to come and to bring the ephod, that special, mysterious piece of clothing that was to be worn by the high priest, by which God would answer prayers on behalf of Israel. We haven’t seen or heard of the ephod since chapter 23, when David was inquiring of the LORD about a situation. We haven’t heard David bring Yahweh into a situation since chapter 26. Chapters 27-29 were meant to show us that David went wayward. He dove into the shallow and empty pool of his own strength. But now, he has recalibrated. He is approaching the LORD, finding his strength in God. Sometimes that is the silver lining in tough situations—we are brought back to the LORD, where we find true strength. We return to our first love.

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