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انہیں سنجیدگی سے لیں!
Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Duration: 00:52:04 Minutes
Aired on جولائی 11, 2024


Text: Song of Songs 2:15 

Sermon " Take them Seriously " !انہیں سنجیدگی سے لیں Speaker: Pastor Jamshad Hadyat Text: Song of Songs 2:15 Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom. "Catch the Little Foxes" emphasizes the importance of identifying and addressing small, seemingly insignificant sins and issues that can undermine our spiritual health and integrity. By examining biblical examples such as King Solomon, Ananias and Sapphira, and Achan, we learn the serious consequences of ignoring these "little foxes." The sermon encourages us to be vigilant, take immediate action, and cultivate a guarded heart to ensure our spiritual growth and the well-being of our relationships. Addressing these small issues brings peace, joy, and stronger ۔connections with God and others.