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اگر دُينا میں چرچ نہ ہوتا تو کیا ہوتا!
Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Duration: 00:42:23 Minutes
Aired on ستمبر 12, 2023


Genesis 28-10-20, John 1:51

The sermon titled "What If The World Did Not Have The Church"  presents Jesus Christ as the heavenly ladder in reference to Jacob's vision in the Bible. In the vision, Jacob saw a ladder extending from earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending upon it. This ladder symbolizes Jesus Christ as the connection between heaven and earth. In John 1:51, Jesus refers to Himself as the Son of Man upon whom angels ascend and descend, emphasizing His role as the bridge between the divine and the earthly realms. This imagery highlights the significance of Jesus Christ as the intermediary and savior who provides access to God The Father and His heavenly kingdom.