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اپنے راستے میں آپ نہ آئیں!
Sermon: "Don't Get In Your Own Way" اپنے راستے میں آپ نہ آئیں Speaker: Pastor Jamshad Hadyat Occasion: VLCU Children Graduation Ceremony Date: May 26, 2024 Proverbs 3:5-6
By: Pastor Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on جون 06, 2024

پُل بنانا ناکہ دیواریں!
In a world often divided by differences, we are called to be peacemakers, fostering understanding and unity. Jesus himself modeled this for us, reaching out to the marginalized and breaking down barriers. Let us explore how we, too, can build bridges instead of walls.
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on جون 10, 2024

تمہارا دل نہ گھبرائے!
Sermon “ Let Not Your Hearts Be troubled” تمہارا دل نہ گھبرائے Let not your heart be troubled! John 14:1-2
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on مئی 22, 2024

اگر دُينا میں چرچ نہ ہوتا تو کیا ہوتا!
The sermon titled "What If The World Did Not Have The Church"  presents Jesus Christ as the heavenly ladder in reference to Jacob's vision in the Bible. In the vision, Jacob saw a ladder extending from earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending upon it. This ladder symbolizes Jesus Christ as the connection between heaven and earth. In John 1:51, Jesus refers to Himself as the Son of Man upon whom angels ascend and descend, emphasizing His role as the bridge between the divine and the earthly realms. This imagery highlights the significance of Jesus Christ as the intermediary and savior who provides access to God The Father and His heavenly kingdom.
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on ستمبر 12, 2023

جب آپکو ستایا جائے!
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.  
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on ستمبر 05, 2023

توبہ اور بیداری
Revival and Repentance
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on مارچ 19, 2023

جب خدا کو جلال نہیں دیا جاتا!
  In this message, the pastor is teaching you from exodus 32:4 to make you understand the life of the Israelites and how they tried to replace God with an idol and suffered consequences. We pray that when you listen to this sermon you will decide to glorify God through your life. In John 17 you can read how even Jesus, son of God came down to reveal The glory of the Father to you and me, and you need to show the world that you as well belong to almighty God and your sole purpose is to give God the glory and never give a room that belongs to God to any person.   Sunday January 8th, 2023
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on مارچ 03, 2023
The Grace Of Self Control

روحاني حبسِ دم
Sermon - Spiritual Suffocation روحانی حبسِ دم Date: Nov 27, 2022  
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on نومبر 28, 2022
The Grace Of Self Control

یہ کسی سبب سے ہوا
Everything in your life as a believer happens for a reason. Pastor Jamshad explains from Deuteronomy chapter 8 and throws light on it to show how God lets you go through hardships to show Himself mighty in your life and through your life. Your time in the desert will not last forever. God will see you through it and take you to your promised land. All you need to do is be humble before the Lord, have faith in Him and His Word, and walk in obedience, and God will make everything work out for your good.
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on اکتوبر 08, 2022
The Grace Of Self Control

قدموں سے دل تک
Listening to this sermon, You will find out how Pastor Jamshad explains in this sermon the one act of Mary Magdalene's total surrender and listening closely, It will help you know where you as a believer fall. Are you at the feet of Jesus or away? Mary’s actions spoke louder than her words. She had a repentant heart, Humility, and unfailing love toward Jesus. She gave all that she had to her savior and Lord. She didn’t worry or had a concern about what people would say or think. She comes to the savior, sits at his feet, and through her actions, she makes a place in the heart of her Lord. We pray that this message will encourage you to grow closer to God and make every effort to stay closed all the days of your life.
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on اکتوبر 04, 2022

مضمون: الہی محبت
God’s Love towards us is the greatest of all, and it is shown in God’s love for Israel and Love of Christ towards His church In this sermon, Pastor Jamshad has explained in-depth about love in its all purity and entirety. We pray that it will bless you and help you grow in love towards God, His church, and the people in your lives.
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on اکتوبر 02, 2022

بڑی ضیافت اور خدا کی بادشاہت
” The Parable of the Great Banquet ”
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on ستمبر 30, 2022

خاندانی مذبح حصة اول
Family Altars Part 1
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on ستمبر 30, 2022

خاندانی مذبح حصہ دويم
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on اگست 26, 2022

مُختلِف زاویہ سے دیکھنا
“We see things positive with the eyes of faith.” Says pastor Jamshad as he explains in this sermon the difference that seeing things differently and especially with the eyes of faith makes. When Moses sent 12 spies into the land of Canaan, only Joshua and Caleb saw things with the eyes of faith cause they had seen and heard what God almighty can do for them and through them. They were not afraid of the giants in the land and the strong fortresses they had built around their city. They knew that the Lord was their strength and they served mighty God who gave them the power to overtake the city. In the same way, you as a believer must see things with the eyes of faith and let God lead you towards victory in every area of your life. Our minds must be enlightened by the word of God. You must have eyes of faith and see like Jesus saw, hear like Jesus heard so God can say to you that “this is my son/daughter in whom I am delighted. See light in the darkness and you will create light, see victory in your defeat and you will create victory. People around you can criticize, but our positive vision can make us win and succeed. Bible says, that Caleb's children inherited what he fought for. See things like Caleb and inherit victory not only for yourself but for your coming generations. Fix the way you are looking at things and God will give you victory. See with the eyes of faith and the way God sees things for you and you will succeed.
By: Jamshad Hadyat
(Vertical Life Church Urdu)
Aired on جون 22, 2022

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