Our Location
Lifeword Media Ministries is part of the BMA Family of Ministries and is located in the BMA Global Ministry Center in Conway, AR.
Lifeword Media Ministries
P.O. Box 6, Conway, AR 72033
611 Locust Street, Conway, AR 72034

To help fulfill the Great Commission, the people of the BMA have created a family of ministries. Each has a unique directive, but all have the same Great Commission purpose.
BMA Missions seeks to facilitate churches in fulfilling the Great Commission through assessment, training, coaching, and missionary care.
Lifeword Media Ministries assists in taking the gospel throughout the world through radio, television, the internet, and mobile devices.
BMA Seminary equips students to become pastors, missionaries, and church leaders.
Moral Action makes sure that the views of BMA Baptists are heard in the halls of Washington D.C.
Minister’s Resources Services helps meet the financial planning needs of BMA pastors and staff.
The BMA Foundation is the endowment instrument for all of the ministries of the Baptist Missionary Association.