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Day by Day Video

The purpose of missions is to plant disciple-making churches, and churches in turn send out the missionaries.
By: John David Smith
Aired on Feb 22, 2018
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Day by Day Video

Like Jesus, we should be intentional in our discipleship of new believers.
By: John David Smith
Aired on Feb 21, 2018
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Day by Day Video

Like Daniel, the purpose of our lives should be to make the name of God famous across the world.
By: John David Smith
Aired on Feb 20, 2018
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Day by Day Video

God getting the glory from our actions should be more important to us than our own fame.
By: John David Smith
Aired on Feb 19, 2018
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Day by Day Video

Is Your Passion In The Right Place?
There is no higher calling than that of a missionary, and we should be passionate about it.
By: Donny Parrish
Aired on Feb 16, 2018
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Day by Day Video

Is There A Missionary In The House?
God wants us to tell others about Him and to send missionaries throughout the world to preach about Him.
By: Donny Parrish
Aired on Feb 15, 2018
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Day by Day Video

Let The Love In You Show
The greatest way to show love to someone is to tell them about how they can be saved by Jesus.
By: Donny Parrish
Aired on Feb 14, 2018
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Day by Day Video

I Met A Missionary The Other Day…And It Was You!
We are all missionaries, because we have been sent by God to tell the world about Jesus.
By: Donny Parrish
Aired on Feb 13, 2018
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Day by Day Video

A New Church Is Born
Brother Donny talks about the start of Antioch Baptist Church in Georgetown, Texas and how it is meeting the Great Commission.
By: Donny Parrish
Aired on Feb 12, 2018
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Day by Day Video

Should We Chase People Who Leave?
When we know someone has wandered away from God, we should go after them and try to bring them back.
By: Donny Parrish
Aired on Feb 09, 2018
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Day by Day Video

The Prayers Of An Average Joe
God responds with extraordinary power to the prayers of even the most ordinary people.
By: Donny Parrish
Aired on Feb 08, 2018
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Day by Day Video

Do My Prayers Really Make A Difference
The most powerful resource of the believer is prayer, and it is most effective when we pray persistently.
By: Donny Parrish
Aired on Feb 07, 2018
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