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বর্তমানে জীবনযাপন করুন | live in the present
If your present is with God, He will make your future beautiful..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 26, 2024

ঈশ্বরের শক্তিতে সম্ভব | It is possible with the power of God
Everything is possible with the power of God..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 24, 2024

জীবন যা ঈশ্বরকে সন্তুষ্ট করে | A life that pleases God
Learn to live a life that please God
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 23, 2024

অবস্থা নয় ঈশ্বর বড় | God is greater than the situation
If you want to make God bigger, praise God, not the situation.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 22, 2024

অতীত ভুলে যান | Forget the past
To become new it is necessary to forget the past.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 19, 2024

ঈশ্বর আমাদের নিযোগ করেছেন | God appointed us
We are not appointed by man but by God..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 17, 2024

ধর্মী জীবনযাপন করুন | Live a righteous life
God seeks out righteous people so He can work in their lives..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 15, 2024

ঈশ্বর ডাকেন | God calls
God calls us but do we hear His voice and follow Him?
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 12, 2024

আপনাকে চিকিৎসার দরকার | You need treatment
If you want to live your life completely in God, you need treatment for your mind.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 09, 2024

ঈশ্বর বকা দিলে রাগ করবেন না | Don't get angry when God scolds you
Do not angry when God rebuke because from his rebuke we learn to walk in his path...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুলাই 04, 2024

ঈশ্বর কাকে চান | Who does God want
It is important to understand who God wants...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 30, 2024

আলো ছড়িয়ে দিন | Spread the light
Light should be spread not hidden...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 29, 2024

ঈশ্বরের জন্য কাজ করুন | Work for God
Whatever you do do it as if you are doing it for God...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 28, 2024

চিরজীবী হতে চান | Want to live forever
It is necessary to act according to God's Word if you want to live forever.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 28, 2024

ঈশ্বর কিভাবে আশীর্বাদ করেন | how does God bless
God wants to bless us,but we need to know how does God bless...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 26, 2024

সর্বোত্তম পথ | The best Way
If we want to move forward in God then it is important to know about the way...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 25, 2024

পরীক্ষায় ধৈর্য ধরুন | Be patient in the trials
Be prepared you will be tested..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 24, 2024

সতর্ক থাকুন | Be careful
It is important to be careful how you are living your life..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 23, 2024
Aired on জুন 21, 2024

জীবন খৃষ্ট আর মরণ লাভ Life is Christ and death is gain
If we live in christ we will not be afraid to die for to die is gain...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 18, 2024

ঈশ্বর সুযোগ দেন | God gives opportunities
God has given you a chance so that you can return to him and not sin...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 17, 2024

আরো একটু অপেক্ষা করেন | Wait a little longer
Waiting in the Lord does not mean a waste of Time..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 17, 2024

ঈশ্বর কেন ডেকেছেন | Why did God Call
why God has called you and what he wants from you learn from his word...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 12, 2024

প্রজ্ঞার উপকারিতা | benefits of wisdom
Learn to gain wisdom from God because without wisdom you will not be able to stay healthy..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 11, 2024

বিজ্ঞতা অর্জন করুন | ask God for Wisdom
We need wisdom to walk with God...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 10, 2024
life like jesus part 6

যীশুর মত জীবন | Life like Jesus part 6
If we want to follow the lifestyle of Jesus we must become humble like him..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 05, 2024

যীশুর মত জীবন | Life like Jesus part 5
If you know Jesus then it is very important to remain in Him.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 29, 2024
Life like Jesus part 4

যীশুর মতো জীবন | life like jesus part 4
If you know and follow Jesus you must learn to serve like Jesus
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 24, 2024
Life like Jesus part 3

যীশুর মত জীবন | Life like Jesus part-3
If you Know Jesus then you must follow him and love as he loved
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 23, 2024
life like Jesus part 2

যীশুর মত জীবন | Life like Jesus part 2
If you want to live like Jesus then you must spend time in prayer like Jesus...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 22, 2024

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