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বিজ্ঞতা অর্জন করুন | ask God for Wisdom
We need wisdom to walk with God...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 10, 2024
life like jesus part 6

যীশুর মত জীবন | Life like Jesus part 6
If we want to follow the lifestyle of Jesus we must become humble like him..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 05, 2024

যীশুর মত জীবন | Life like Jesus part 5
If you know Jesus then it is very important to remain in Him.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 29, 2024
Life like Jesus part 4

যীশুর মতো জীবন | life like jesus part 4
If you know and follow Jesus you must learn to serve like Jesus
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 24, 2024
Life like Jesus part 3

যীশুর মত জীবন | Life like Jesus part-3
If you Know Jesus then you must follow him and love as he loved
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 23, 2024
life like Jesus part 2

যীশুর মত জীবন | Life like Jesus part 2
If you want to live like Jesus then you must spend time in prayer like Jesus...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 22, 2024

যীশুর মত জীবন | Life like Jesus
It will not be enough just to say that we will live like Jesus we need to do what Jesus did...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 21, 2024

শয়তানের ষড়যন্ত্র থেকে বাঁচুন | Escape from the conspiracy of Evil
If we understand how devil works we can escape from his plans
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 17, 2024

চিরস্থায়ী ঘর | Permanent home
More than the house of this world we have to think about the eternal house and prepare ourselves so that we can enter that house...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 16, 2024

ঈশ্বরের রাজ্য কেমন | What is the Kingdom of God
The kingdom of God is not manifested in the flesh but in the spirit...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 13, 2024

কিভাবে বিশ্বাস বাড়বে | How to grow faith
If you want to grow in faith you have to walk according to the word because faith comes from the word...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 10, 2024

শান্তিপূর্ণ জীবন | Peaceful life
Only with God you can live a peaceful life....
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 04, 2024