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তোমার ঈশ্বরকে জান | Know your God
Three points to Know your God..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 15, 2023

আশীর্বাদের চাবি | Keys of Blessings
If you want to live a Blessed life these three keys can help you.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 15, 2023

শুভ সন্দেশ | Good News
Our life is Gospel of Jesus Christ..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 12, 2023

ঈশ্বরের ইচ্ছায় জীবনযাপন | Living in God's will
We should Live life according Gods will
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 10, 2023

খ্রীষ্টের সাক্ষী | Witness of Christ
If you Love Jesus you have to be his witness
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 09, 2023

সুখী জীবন | Blessed Life
If you want live a Blessed life, you have to follow this three points in your life.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 08, 2023

খ্রীষ্টে নতুন জীবন | New life in Christ
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 05, 2023

বলিদান | Sacrifice
If you Love God you will live a sacrificial life..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 04, 2023

ঈশ্বরের কাছাকাছি আসুন | Come closer to God
Come close to God and he will come close to you.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 03, 2023

ঈশ্বরকে ডাকুন | Call upon God
Call upon God and be saved.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 02, 2023

ঈশ্বরের ইচ্ছা
We need to know what is the will of God.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on এপ্রিল 30, 2023

সংসারকে ভালোবাসো না | Do not Love the World
Do not Love the World because God has separated us from the World.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on এপ্রিল 29, 2023