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ঈশ্বরে অপেক্ষা করা || Waiting on God
Waiting on God is never in vain..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 03, 2023

অন্যদের সম্পর্কে চিন্তা করা || Thinking about others||
If we want to be children of God then we should think about others.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 02, 2023

ঈশ্বরের ভালবাসার শক্তি || The power of God's Love
Know the power of God's Love...
By: Akash Gour
Aired on জুন 01, 2023

ঈশ্বরকে গুরুত্ব দেওয়া || Giving Importance to God
We should give Importance to God..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 31, 2023

বিশ্বস্ততা || Faithfulness
We must live a Faithful life in God..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 28, 2023

স্বর্গের চাবি || Key of Heaven
God has given us the key so that we can Receive the blessings of Heaven.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 27, 2023

খ্রিস্টের জন্য জীবনযাপন || Living for Christ
We have to learn to Live for Christ..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 25, 2023

ভাঙা হৃদয় || Broken Heart
The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 24, 2023

সঠিক সংকল্প || Right Decision
We need to make the right decision if we want to live for God..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 23, 2023

লক্ষ্যের দিকে || Toward the goal
Set your Goal and go with blessings
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 21, 2023

ঈশ্বরের সময়ে || In God's time
God does his work in his won time..
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 20, 2023

তফাৎ || Difference
We need to understand the Difference between Man and God.
By: Akash Gour
Aired on মে 18, 2023